How to get started on Virtual Regatta InShore

Virtual Regatta InShore is an online sailing game which can be accessed from a desktop or laptop computer using a web browser or by downloading a free app for your Android or Apple smartphone or tablet.

How to get started on a computer

Open up your website browser on your computer (Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox are the most common web browsers) and go to Select Virtual Regatta Inshore.

How to get started on a tablet or smartphone

Virtual Regatta is available as an app on Android smartphone or tablet or for Apple iPad or iPhone. Either search your app store for these apps or click the relevant button below and download and install the app.

Get it on Google Play Download on the App Store

Create an account

If you want to compete in the online races or keep your score you will need to register and create a profile, so select “I create my account” and follow the instructions to create your profile. You will receive a confirmation email at the end of registration and follow the instructions in the email to complete the registration.

Learning how sail in the game

The best way to learn your way around the game is to enter the Sailing School, so click the Sailing School button and go through the different lessons to learn how to control your virtual boat and master sailing skills. If you are a novice sailor, this is an excellent way of understanding how to control your boat in different winds and how to sail and race around other boats.


In the main screen of the game it shows the different types of races that are available, you can swipe left or right to view them all. Then choose the type of race you are interested in and start competing. Don’t worry if you consistently come near the bottom at the start as you are racing against some seasoned online gamers. As you compete in more races you will gain some experience and your profile will be updated.

Sailing Tips

  • Work your way through sailing school lessons, it gives you a really good grounding about how to sail a virtual boat. Important lessons are understanding how your boat behaves in different wind directions and when to tack or jibe to use the wind for the best speed.
  • In the online races you are given ‘race helps’, these are aids to help you sail and race. How many free ones you get in a race will depend on how the race has been setup. They are useful in helping you sail by providing assistance with the fastest direction to the next buoy, assisting your race starts and showing you the effects of the wind on your boat. The sailing school will show you how they work, so make sure to understand what each one does and how to use it.
  • Once you’ve worked through the sailing school, sail a few races against other online gamers. Don’t worry about coming last, you should use your first races to learn how racing works.

The skills required to do well in races are exactly the same as those in real-life sailing

  • Make sure you understand the course route before the race starts. You’ll need to remember it, particularly if you are first to the buoys!
  • Time your starts so you cross the line just after the race gun goes off.
  • Position your boat on the start line so that other sailors don’t impede you or gain an advantage.
  • Sailing the fastest and shortest course to get round the buoys marking out the race course. Sailing the most direct route may not be the quickest way around the course as your boat may go faster sailing in another direction and require some tacks or jibes to get to the buoy quickest. To get this right requires a bit of maths and lots of practice.
  • Understand the starboard rule so you don’t incur a penalty by impeding or crashing into another boat if you are on a port tack and they’re on starboard and use the rule to assist your own race.

CRSC Virtual Racing Series

The RYA has offered affiliated club a free VIP pass during the lockdown. This means the club can organise a custom races for its members which can only be accessed with a passcode. Our Vice Commodore is organising the races and will post messages on our member’s Facebook page and in the club’s WhatsApp group about the race schedule, so if you aren’t a member of these groups sign up or email for more information.

Further Reading