Five Lightning sailors and one OK sailor competed in the two Summer Series races on Sunday July 9th in light winds of a few knots. The race officers, Andrew Boxer, Cara Ivers, Clive Church and James Long set a course of an A buoy set about 200 metres above the bend and taken to port, then returning downstream to pass the B buoy to port set at the bend and round the C buoy which was positioned about fifty metres above the upstream start line at the OD box.
Mary Webb (LN 150) and Dave Phillips (OK ) were the only two sailors close to the start line when the hooter sounded and Mary took an early lead. By the end of the first lap, she had a good lead in the Lightning class fleet and battled Dave for the overall lead. Behind, Keira Swinney (LN 114) held second place in class rounding the B buoy, but very light winds at the bottom of the course made it hard going and Peter Withrington (LN 442) moved into second place ahead of Keira, Duncan Watts (LN 431) and Nigel Webb (LN 372). With light winds, the race was shortened at the B buoy on the second race and Dave led the field with Mary taking a dominant win in class. Peter held onto second and Duncan moved into third with Keira fourth and Nigel fifth.
Dave packed up and so it was an all Lightning fleet for the second race, although Nigel decided not to take the second start. The second race start was a lot closer and all four sailors were lined up across the river all the way to the bend. Mary took an early lead, but Peter and Duncan were only just behind with Keira dropping back and then deciding to retire. Peter moved into the lead on the second lap and the race was again shortened at the B buoy. Peter crossed the line to win as Mary and Duncan rounded the B buoy and Duncan passed Mary on the return back from the bend.
Andrew Yuille holds onto his lead in the Series with Duncan three points behind, Peter a further point behind in third and Mary another point behind in fourth.
As Dave was the only Handicap class competitor in the first race, no points were awarded, so Gary and Jerome still jointly lead the Handicap class of the Summer Series.