CRSC keeps sailing using Virtual Regatta

Cookham Reach Sailing Club has continued to sail despite lockdown using Virtual Regatta, an online sailing game. The club organises races several times a week and allows club sailors to compete instead of racing in the real Spring Series which was cancelled due to the Coronavirus lockdown.

The game provides the chance to sail a range of boats, with mono-hull and catamaran dinghies available to race in a variety of locations and around several different courses. Thousands of sailors around the world compete online in the game and many UK sailing clubs have joined as they were kindly offered an account through the RYA.

The racing is open to all members and their families, so if you have somebody in your household that would like to sail online, please read our instructional guide, sign up for Virtual Regatta Inshore and contact our Vice-Commodore at who will provide information about when the club races and how to join in.