Autumn Series finishes with cancelled race

The Autumn Series ended with a cancelled day’s racing due to Environment Agency red river warnings at Cookham Lock. Club rules state that no organized sailing or racing can take place when the EA RED warning boards are showing at Cookham Lock and so racing was cancelled for the day.

James Long (OK 2094) won the handicap class in the series after winning two races, taking eight seconds and three thirds. David Phillips and Martin Church took second after winning eight races (two wins in OK 2196 and six wins in Enterprise 21099) and Richard Cartwright and Ray Swinney (Enterprise 22174) finished third.

In the Lightning 368 class, Carole Dixon (LN 259) won the series after taking four second places ahead of Tricia Evison (LN 412) who won two races and one second place and Kevin Singleton finished third.

The Autumn Series was sailed in windy conditions for most of the series and a total of nineteen boats competed.