As in previous years, the Winter Series will be scored using two methods.
The first method uses the normal PY Handicap system based on the CRSC published Portsmouth Yardstick (PY) for each dinghy class, as per normal handicap racing. Merlins are included under PY=1020, and Lightnings under PY=1170. The points scoring system is described in the Cookbook and on the website.
The second method re-scores the results from the first method after applying a “personal handicap” (PH) for each helm…
Personal Handicap Winter Series
The starting PH values have been determined from previous Winter Series, where appropriate, and/or by the judgement of the General Committee. The lowest PH value is 100; higher PH values denote ‘slower’ helms, such that 125 denotes 25% ‘slower’ than 100. For most new CRSC helms, a starting default PH value of 130 will be allocated. These PH values will be used to determine race positions, and hence points scored.
PH values will be adjusted after each day’s racing – whether one or two races are sailed – to reflect the actual performance achieved by each helm. The helm with the lowest corrected time in the PY race will be allocated PH = 100 for that race; all other helms will have PH values set relative to the winner based on the ratio of their corrected times.
The PH value for each day’s racing is calculated as the average of the 4 most recent achieved PH values, but for helms with less than 4 achieved values, the starting PH value will be substituted. After 4 races the original starting PH is no longer included in the calculation.
For example, assume helm “A” starts with PH = 105. If “A” achieves PH = 120 in his first race and PH = 110 in his second, his PH value for the next day will be:
(105 + 105 + 120 + 110) ÷ 4 = 110
If “A” had not sailed the second race, the calculation would be:
(105 + 105 + 105 + 120) ÷ 4 = 109
[Note: PH values are rounded to the nearest integer.]
It is hoped that this system will provide a true indication of ability after a couple of weeks, whilst avoiding wild variations in PH value during the early races. Good luck!
Starting PH values are published separately.