Bar and toilets open from 4th July

After changes to lockdown rules, the club toilets and bar have opened from 4th July to members only. The facilities will be opened for limited periods which will be publicised on this website and through social media channels.


The club toilets will be open with use by one person at a time (or young child accompanied by a parent or guardian), the main clubhouse door is opened to allow access to the toilets with the gents toilet signed for unisex use.

Please sanitise your hands before entering the clubhouse using the sanitiser by the clubhouse porch. To indicate that the toilet is occupied, please use the sign on the clubhouse door to indicate that you are occupying the toilets. There is clear signage to indicate the route and exit to and from the toilets with other doors in the clubhouse blocked off. Please use the sanitising spray provided on any touch surfaces after use. Exit the clubhouse through the main club doors and return the sign on the door to vacant for the next person who wishes to use the toilets. We recommend washing your hands or using sanitiser after exiting the clubhouse.

The toilets and clubhouse touch surfaces are cleaned thoroughly before and after each opened day.

Please remember that the club’s changing rooms and kitchen are off-limits.


The club bar will be opened and manned by volunteer bar staff, the bar person will provide service from a table setup in the front of the patio doors in the bar room and serve drinks to that table. Please come to that patio doors to place your order and retrieve your drinks whilst maintaining social distancing from those around you. Payment for drinks is through the club bar tab, please credit your tab using notes only. Your credit and tab will be maintained by the bar staff. The club is currently only serving beers, wines and soft drinks in bottles and cans, so please bring your own glass if needed. The club bar can only serve members and their guests only (see section 12.3 of the club rules and by-laws).

If you can’t find a member of the bar staff, please ask around as they may be in the club grounds working on their boat or chatting with fellow members. Please do not serve yourself as we need to limit who is in the clubhouse.

We’ll publicise opening dates and times through our social media channels and on the website.

Volunteers needed

The original bar duty volunteers are being contacted by the Bar Chair for available dates to open the bar. If you did not volunteer when the bar rota was setup at the beginning of the year and are able to volunteer please contact the Bar Chairman.