Guidelines – Informal Sailing with toilets and bar open

Updated 23 May 2021


  • Environment Agency has opened river to non-essential travel and leisure activity.


  • Do not enter the club grounds if you have a fever or other Covid-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone with symptoms within the last 14 days.
  • Continue to wash hands regularly to minimise surface contact spread. 
  • The club provides hand washing facilities at the clubhouse entrance, please wash your hands on arrival at the club and frequently during your stay at the club. If you prefer to use hand sanitizer, please bring your own and use it.
  • A sign-in book is provided at the entrance to the clubhouse, please sign in and out so that the club has a record of who is at the club for NHS Test and Trace. If you are attending with your family only one of you needs to sign in and out.
  • Everyone to maintain social distancing at all times.
  • The Government’s Rule of Six has exemptions for recreational team sports which includes sailing. Those at the club for sailing are exempt from this rule, but if you attend the club for any reason other than sailing you must abide by the Rule of Six and not congregate in a group of more than six individuals and must not cross between groups.
  • The clubhouse is closed and off-limits except when opened during a published time for access to toilets only. Changing rooms and showers in the clubhouse must not be used. Please come prepared for sailing. If the weather is cold and/or wet, please dress accordingly.
  • Toilets will be opened during organised sailing sessions which usually occur on Wednesdays, Saturday afternoons and Sundays. Please check the sailing calendar and if in doubt, contact the convenor or post a message on the club WhatsApp group. Please access the toilets through the main clubhouse entrance only, using the vacant/occupied sign to indicate the toilet is in use (only one person to use toilets at a time (child can be accompanied by parent or guardian). Toilets are cleaned regularly using disinfectant.
  • An assigned person can enter the clubhouse to make teas and coffees for sailors and members on duty. The teas and coffees must be served outside, please minimise handling of mugs, etc to maximise Covid safety.
  • The safety boat will only be used during racing and cannot be used outside a designated session.
  • You must wear your own buoyancy aid. Use of club buoyancy aids is not allowed.
  • Sailing from the club is for members or entrants in Open meetings only.
  • All dinghies must be equipped with a paddle.
  • Be careful of members of the public when launching and retrieving your boat to ensure social distancing and safety.
  • Dinghies should only to be sailed in safe conditions; enough wind to power the boat and not too much wind to cause high risk of capsize. It is the helm’s responsibility to assess this.
  • You must be a competent sailor to ensure you can sail without requiring assistance or rescue.
  • You must be able to right your boat without assistance in the event of a capsize.
  • A maximum of six boats on the jetty at a time to ensure social distancing is maintained. Please have consideration for others who wish to sail and ensure you clear the jetty as quickly as possible if other sailors are trying to launch a boat or arrive back at the jetty area.

Further Reading